Unfortunately, some games I play either push me to the breaking point or, halfway through, I realize they are not worth the effort to write about exhaustively. I settled with my video game comfort food, adventure games, and the posts have become some of the more popular things I post on the site.
I started the series as an experiment after I needed something to write about that wasn't just the Final Fantasy series or the state of modern Square-Enix. It's weird to think about this point, but next week will mark my first anniversary of starting my ranking of adventure game puzzles on the site. Instead, I still pat myself on the back that I pushed myself to work outside of my comfort zone in the first place and that these risks all provide critical teachable moments.įor the first part of this self-reflection, I will exclusively look at adventure games. Therefore, I don't view any of the problems or issues I am about to discuss in anger or frustration. Nonetheless, taking risks and living with many of those risks not panning out is an essential part of life. Due to the pressures of modern society, thanks in no part to capitalism, we live in fear of failure. However, rather than let that potential source of angst lord over me, I decided to use it as a fun blog idea before I buckle down and annotate my favorite games from the year. In fact, most games I play come and go without a single treatise or commentary about my thoughts about it gracing the internet. Contrary to popular belief, I only sometimes write about the games I finish or play. With feelings on the site at an all-time high, I decided to bring things back to Earth with a blog about failure.